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Explore the PRESENT
Explore the FUTURE
Cue the fun, learning, laughter and memories! There is no shortage of adventure to share in the laughter and memories that will last a lifetime.
Get INSPIRED with a High-Flying Learning Experience
at Discovery Education Station!
In collaboration with local AMA Club 1098
Monthly Membership
Monthly information, safety & logistics meeting
Monthly rocket, drone, or model aircraft build nights
Monthly “Inspirational” Air/Space Movie or Flight Simulation!
Monthly model kit, including glue, paint and other materials.
Demonstrations & Education provided by trained professionals
**Meet a Real LifeLink Paramedic, Learn all about the Helicopter, try on Night Vision Goggles and much more!**
**Best of All: Plane Flying Session!
Annual Membership
Monthly Membership Activities PLUS
**Airplane Ride over Marshfield**
Annual Membership in National Association of Rocketry (NAR) w/insurance
Contests, Scholarships…and Much More!
**Best of All: Monthly Rocket Launches!!
~Scholarships Available~
Join Discovery Education Station for an exciting HAM “Elmering” opportunity as part of our STEAM curriculum. It's co-hosted by Marshfield Amateur Radio Society AA9US.
Come learn all about HAM radio and our new Discovery HAM Radio Club. Call us today for more information.
Purpose: To further fellowship within our community and around the world and promote STEAM knowledge and technical advancements of the radio arts through education and outreach.
Why: Communicating is the most fun you can have with a radio! It's a way to talk with friends around our planet and send messages without an internet connection AND even talk to astronauts orbiting the globe.
How: Contact Discovery Education Station for more information. You will learn with professionals, participate in training events and pass appropriate exams. (Passing exam = free 1st-year membership)
Who: 13- to 18-year-olds will work alongside local profession amateur radio operators to learn HAM Operating techniques and skills.
When: Participate in monthly meetings, trainings and multiple search and rescue simulations operations, and assist in local community events and crises.
Cost: $100, covering training, exam and insurance (scholarships available).
Enjoy Our Fun-Filled Discovery Clubs
Call us today for more information
(715) 898-1196
I highly recommend this store. It has some really cool items and Linda is amazing. She is so helpful and friendly. I ordered some things online and she had it all ready to go for me! Such a neat place! Stop in and see for yourself!
- Amy R, Facebook review
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